Tuesday, April 17, 2012

4/14 Meeting Wrap Up

Through the power of Friendship (and lots of sugar) we have had another successful meet up!

Alt Pic

We watched an old episode of MLP: fim, played many pony based games, had a super successful auction, and our first official "Down and Dirty after 4:30".

First off was the customary FiM episode, which was "Sweet and Elite" this time.

Adrian Brody knows all about his ponies.

Then came the game of Pony Taboo. It was close up until the end when the last round sent two groups soaring towards the stars and sent the other two groups back down to earth.

The Winners are as followed.

1. Team Magic
2. Team Fizzypop
3. Team Adrian Brony
4. Team 1

After Taboo came the failure of a game You Laugh You Lose. After that we left the confines of the room for the glorious outdoors for the Weekly Auction. Twenty two items were sold ranging from a Welovefine.com Poster, a MLP motorized train set, scores of buttons, and a hoof made hat from our wondrous adviser. All added up we made nearly $150, the best auction we have had so far.

 The Winner of the Train Set.

 The 1 1/2 inch buttons.

 So much swag in this picture.


With the auction finished we returned back inside of the building to attempt to finish the rest of the You Laugh You Lose game. When that failed to pan out we just watched some more Youtube videos until the 'end' of the meeting, that's when the fun really started.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Down and Dirty after 4:30~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Much fun was had at the first official Down and Dirty after 4:30. Plushies were piled atop of another, bushes were jumped into, many raunchy jokes were told, dugongs were discussed and Sam was forced to confront his worst nightmare. (Dozens of Nigel Thornberries jumping on him and doing horrible horrible things.)

 That poor bush will never be the same

 Forever a Rainbow Dash


Plushie Pile

All together this was a great meet up and I personally look forward to the next one scheduled for 4/28. 

See you guys there!

~ Ian


  1. Really great meet up! Looking back at these pictures, I think we lost our minds after 4:30. I managed to get my train set all hooked up at home. My cats are determined to try and kill Pinkie Pie though so it can be difficult to run the train sometimes.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. Once I get my own place, I'll need a set of my own.

  2. Amazing Meetup and this wrap up had 2 pics of me! I FEEL SPECIAL!

    1. You shall now be known as the BLLLAAAARGGGHH kid.

  3. The most crazy meetup to date. Ow, my sanity.

  4. Oh god how did my house get on this?

    I'm no good with computers
